Our Services
1 hr
$150A deeper dive into truly personalized training with Victoria. flow.
1 hr
110Profoundly personalized training with Victoria via Zoom. expand.
1 hr
$11030 min

Studio Policies
We're all in this together.
COVID Operation Procedures:
We are re-opening with cautionary measures in place. Clients and practitioners will wear face masks throughout our session time. Please provide your own face mask, but we also have sterile clear plastic face shields available for you to use (and keep and reuse). Please remain in your car until the time of your session, then send a text and your practitioner will meet you at the door. Ventiliation (HVAC or open windows) will be in place throughout the session, and the studio spaces and equipment will be sterilized between clients. A private bathroom will be available for the client's use, and hand sanitization will be made available. Please practice hand sanitization before and after your session. If you will want water, please bring your own bottle.
In the case of Gyrotonic, the equipment is sterilized between each client with a 30 minute minimum window between sessions for cleaning, and I will remain 6'+ away for most of the session with minimal hands-on. The room is fair-sized with two windows which will be open during your session for cross-ventilation.
In the case of SPRe Bodywork, touch surfaces including couches and chairs have been covered with plastic, and all touch surfaces will be sterilized between sessions with a 30 minute minimum window between sessions for cleaning. Sheets and blankets will cover the table and your body, forming a cloth barrier between us, and we are able to do clothed bodywork. The studio has a very good HVAC system, and it is likely we will be the only ones in the entire studio at the time of your session.
If you are feeling at all sick or have any concern that you may have been exposed to someone ill, please let us know at the earliest possible time and your session will be canceled with no charge. Otherwise we have a strict 24 hour cancellation policy.
It will all be a little different. I profoundly believe in the value of taking care of our bodies, and that means in every way. If you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to reach out. We can do this.
As a truly small business, and in order to best serve all clients, we have a strict 24-hour cancellation policy for all private sessions. If you cancel - or change - your private session appointment, within the 24-hour window prior to your scheduled time, or if you are a no-show, you will be charged in full, as though you were in attendance.
Out of consideration for other clients who might prefer a certain time, we ask that you please cancel any appointment you will not be able to make as soon as you are aware so that we might accommodate them. We thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Payment will be made at the beginning of service by Venmo or Paypal. To reserve an ongoing time, a discounted package may be purchased and use of package will be marked by the Instructor. These packages do not expire. There will, however, be no refunds and packages are non-transferrable. Please also keep in mind that prices and terms are subject to change.
We make every effort to keep a consistent schedule and to give several weeks notice of any
absences for training, travel and holidays. On occasion, private sessions may be cancelled last-minute due to illness or emergency. Notifications of all cancellations will be made as much in advance as possible.
We recommend that you check with your doctor before beginning any new exercise program and further advise that if you have any concerns, you be cleared by a doctor to enroll in a program of instruction in the GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® method. We also ask that you keep your practitioner informed of any changes to your health or lifestyle that might affect your workout. It is important for us to know if your condition changes in any way – for instance, if you become pregnant or if you suffer even a minor fall – so that we might continue to best address your needs.
Any fitness activity has its safety concerns, especially if done improperly. Embody Center will not be responsible for students who do not follow instructions. We ask that students disclose any medical or physical conditions, recent or persistent injuries, or other relevant information before your session begins. Prior to and during your session, it is your responsibility to inform your practitioner of any pain or discomfort you may be experiencing - please do not hesitate to speak up if you are uncomfortable or if you need help with the equipment in any way.